Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015



Personal Details

N a m e                                    : Anatasya Anggraini                           
Place/Date of Birth                 : Bekasi, 18 October 1993
Gender                                    : Female
Nationality                              : Indonesian   
Status                                      : Single
A d d r e s s                             : Jl.P.Yapen 1 No. 77 Perumnas 3 Bekasi Timur 
Email                                       :

Education Details

2000-2006                               : SDN Aren Jaya XVIII
2006-2009                               : MTsN 1 Bekasi
2009-2012                               : SMAN 2 Tambun Utara
2012-Now                               : Accounting Gunadarma University

Non Formal
2013                                        : Myob program courses (Intermediate)
2014                                        : Eksport Import (Simulation)

Bekasi, 14 March 2015

(Anatasya Anggraini) 

Opinions on the English Language

English is the language that is widely used as a communication tool in many countries. Lots of people who are learning English for the sake of working in a foreign company or for other purposes. However, because it makes the Indonesian people almost forgot to love his own language. they would rather boast in using the English language.
According to my own personal I'm not too fond of the English language, probably because it is difficult to learn grammar. But that does not mean I do not like at all with the English language. I like it but not fanatical. Learning English is fun if done with happy heart is not with compulsion. ^.^

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015


My name Anatasya Anggraini, you can call me Ana or Sasha. I am 21 years old. I was the last child of 6 siblings. I live in Bekasi .

I am currently studying at Gunadarma University and I majored in accounting. You know why I choose accounting ? it's because of my parents' choice. From the first to the affairs of the school always my mother is choose. And I am always grateful for choice.

For its own personality, I am a person who prefers silence and alone. Even for someone who first saw me, always say that i'm arrogant. But I’m someone who is very friendly and polite. I usually become a place where friends told me about personal experiences, love, parents, and also a place for those who seek the solution of every problem. They think my experienced and a good listener. Therefore a lot of friends who like to tell the problem to me. But for myself, I'm not the type of person who is easy to talk with others. I prefer to tell my troubles to the GOD.